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The aim of the Henley Sports Academy is to assist student athletes in their sporting and academic pathways. Students have two 80-minute and one 50-minute lessons per week over the school year.  The Cricket Academy focus for each term includes:

Term 1

Theory focus: Goal setting and performance review

Practical focus: Individual, team and strategy development through situated learning activities and skill development drills.

Game play: state-wide knockout competition (open), Rowville Secondary College Exchange (9/10). 

Term 2

Theory focus: Nutrition, hydration and individual performance analysis

Practical focus: Indoor cricket, cross-training and sport-specific psychology.

Term 3

Theory focus: Coaching in primary schools, technique analysis and team match analysis

Practical focus: Individual and group fitness and conditioning programs and skill development.

Term 4

Theory focus: Performance presentation and goal setting

Practical focus: Individual, team and strategy development through situated learning activities and skill development drills.

Game play: state-wide knockout competition (7/8 and 9/10) annual first XI match vs. Adelaide High School.  

Head Coach Women’s Program 2023 – present


2023: Runners-Up: Year 9/10


2020: Champions – Metro North 8/9 Boys

Top of Subject: Adesh K
Emerging Talent: Lucian K
Striving for Excellence: Lachie T

Top of Subject: Lachlan B
Emerging Talent: Levi B
Dedication to Success: Elliott H

Top of Subject: Billy H
Most Outstanding Athlete: Hudson W
Emerging Talent: Declan W