Old Scholars 

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Old Scholars

Staying connected with old scholars is vital for maintaining a vibrant and cohesive school community. It fosters a sense of continuity and shared history, allowing former students to reconnect with Henley High School. These connections not only strengthen the alumni network but also create opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and support with the school. By keeping in touch, old scholars can contribute to the school’s ongoing legacy, engage in meaningful ways with current students, and celebrate the collective achievements of the Henley High community.

We invite Henley High School alumni to complete the form below to stay updated on school celebrations and to express your interest in connecting with the school and engaging through various opportunities including:

  • Old Scholar profile – Where Are They Now on our school website
  • Provide current students with work experience opportunities
  • Offer staff the chance to connect with you and discuss your expertise for potential presentations or panel discussions with students.
  • Opportunities to become a Homestay family

We look forward to reconnecting with you.